
How to Shop for the Person Who Has Everything

July 24, 2011

He has every bit of sports memorabilia from his favorite team that can be found in the mortal world. She has every DVD and CD that she has ever wanted. If you have a loved one who is like this, I sympathize. I may also have a few helpful tips for you that might make holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries so much easier to deal with.

Tip #1: Never, ever leave the shopping until the last minute. In fact, I would recommend getting started at least a month in advance. Personally, I shop year-round. You don’t have to frantically search for that special item every time you make a trip to the store; just keep one eye out for anything that someone you know might like. If you decide not to pick it up right then, at least you’ll have it in mind next time you’re wondering what to get that person for their birthday next week.

Tip #2: Keep a few extra things around that have gift potential. You never know when something is going to come up. If a relative that you weren’t expecting to see for the holidays shows up on Christmas, having a CD of Christmas songs or a holiday tin that you can fill with homemade cookies on hand can be a lifesaver.

Tip #3: In some cases, sticking to a theme can work to your advantage. Even if it seems like he has every piece of Dallas Cowboys merchandise known to man, he may not mind getting a few extras. In fact, he may be more appreciative of the same baseball cap two years in a row than he would have been if you had given him a mug full of candy canes. Thank about whether having more than one of the same thing might be useful, especially if it’s a collector’s item.

Tip #4: If the birthday girl or boy really does have everything she or he wants, it’s time to think outside of the box. Just because they haven’t thought of it doesn’t mean they won’t like it. Pick out a movie that they haven’t seen but that you know they’ll like. Look for unique collectibles or knick-knacks. Think about a problem that they have and come up with a unique way of solving it with a special gift. Find a way to help them with a hobby; for instance, if their hobby is photography, photo boxes or albums are always helpful.

Tip #5: It may seem impersonal, but don’t count out the gift card option. Cash also works great. Both are gifts that will never be returned, and they give the receiver the ability to pick something that he really wants. If you’re concerned that it doesn’t show enough thought, choose a place where the gift card recipient often shops, or a place where he doesn’t get to shop very often because of the prices. Either way, you’ll know that it won’t go to waste. Flowers and gift baskets work the same way; few people would object to setting out some nice-looking flowers, and fewer still would have a problem with free food.

Tip #6: Homemade gifts are still appreciated in this modern age. If you’re a cash-strapped college student or otherwise on a limited income, you might not be able to afford more than a greeting card. But you can still give gifts that are special by making them with your own two hands. Yes, it’s corny and trite, but it really does work. It probably works best if you’re a good cook or have some other handy skill. You can bake something, from dinner to dessert, or make something, from a birdhouse to a letter holder. Then, you can at least put those gift-making skills they taught you in the third grade to use. You can also do something like cleaning out the garage; as mundane as that sounds, it may be considered the best gift ever in some cases.

Tip #7: Sometimes, just spending time with someone is enough of a gift. It sounds even cornier than the homemade gift idea, but a day of relaxing and having fun with a loved one is often more memorable than a gift wrapped in shiny paper. Think about it: Do you remember what you got on your seventh birthday from Aunt Trudy? Or do you remember where your party was held and who came to it? Instead of wracking your brain over something to buy, think of something fun that you can do together. It will reduce stress for both of you, and it will be remembered much more fondly in the years to come.

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